There is no limit to the number of abstracts an individual may submit. Please note that the scientific committee may limit the number of oral presentations for one individual.
All abstracts must be written in English (A4 page in Word format, Times 12 pts, spaced 1.5), the body text is limited to a maximum of 250 words, and consist of the following sections: Title of the abstract: ALL CAPITALS; Authors: e.g. AB Popescu, DE Johnson, presenting author always first; Affiliation: e.g. Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova; Body (with optional sub-sections): Introduction; Methods; Results and discussion; Research support (Conflict of interest disclosure). No tables, figures or references can be included in the abstracts. Submitted papers cannot be later edited.
All abstracts will be presented as oral or poster presentations during the sessions of the event.
If a submitted abstract is accepted for the scientific program, the presenter must pay the registration fee to present the paper by 29 September 2024. Presenters of multiple papers need to register only once.
By submitting an abstract for review, the authors agrees that it will be published in the abstracts book if the final document is accepted. Publishing copyrights will be held by organizers.
Abstracts will be submitted by email to: conference@mhasee.ro. Abstracts submission deadline: 15 September 2024. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by the Scientific Committee before 22 September 2024.